KACC Support & Donations
What’s our greatest asset? The Art Center's Community of Artists & Members!
We are your community art center!
Your tax-deductible membership makes a tremendous impact as we continue to provide first-class visual arts and educational experiences. Enjoy the perks of membership while making a difference in the quality of life in Kerr County and beyond. Become a Member today!
Membership Perks:
Community Member ($50/year)
May participate in KACC Membership Shows
Get email notices about all upcoming events
May consign work in the Gift Shop
Reduced rate on facility rental
Family Member ($50/year)
May participate in KACC Membership Shows
Get email notices about all upcoming events
50% discount on concessions (excludes special events)*
25% off Summer Art Camp Registration Fee*
Friend of the Arts Level ($100/year)
All benefits of Supporter Members
10% Discount on purchases in the Gift Shop*
NARM membership (free admission and discounts at participating museums throughout the country)
Supporter of the Arts ($200/year)
All benefits of Friends of the Arts
10% Discount on Gallery Purchases*
Patron of the Arts ($500/year)
All benefits of Supporter plus
10% Discount on Gallery Purchases*
Reserved parking at special events (arranged in advance)
Benefactor of the Arts ($1000/year)
- All benefits of Patron of the Arts
Two VIP tickets and reserved parking spots at KACC (arranged in advance)
Business Member ($500/year)
10% off Gallery and Gift Shop purchases for all company employees**
Exclusive email updates on upcoming events
NARM membership (includes free admission/discounts at participating museums nationwide)
Company logo featured on KACC website
Reduced rate on facility rentals
*Membership card must be presented to receive benefits
**Eligible employees must shop proof of employment, such as company ID or business card to receive discount
KACC Membership
Become a Member of KACCEncourage knowledge and appreciation of the arts through programs for children and adults
Invest in the community and enhance the quality of life in the Hill Country
Reap the benefits that come with a membership
Give a One-Time or Sustaining DonationUnderwrite an exhibit, give to support art classes, help with building upgrades or donate towards operational funds - your support makes a difference in the quality of our programs and events.
You can also mail your donation to:
228 Earl Garrett St
Kerrville, TX 78028
In-Kind Donations
An in-kind donation is a non-cash gift made to a nonprofit organization, including goods, services, time, and expertise. Individuals, corporations, and businesses can all make in-kind donations to the Kerr Arts & Cultural Center. If you would like to volunteer or donate an item to KACC, please contact Lanza Teague, executive director, at 830.895.2911 or e-mail [email protected]